WTF moments!

I’ve got an idea when I was looking pictures from the past. I notice some unusual pictures and some of them really can’t be explained. 🙂  There are some short movies 2, but I think this will do the trick. I hope I am not offending anyone. If I do, it is not my problem, it is you on the picture, not me 🙂 Just joking. They are all my friends and I hope they don’t mind. If anyone does,  just let me know? I will remove the photo. But that way it wouldn’t be much fun, would it?

Some pictures was taken with my old camera Sony (something), which has night vision, so never mind the green pictures.



  • Irena December 22, 2009

    Čudovite fotke! Vsaka zase je nora in odštekana. In vsaka, prav vsaka je nekaj posebnega. Poleg tega imajo vse dobro vsebino. Kar žarijo od energije, mladostne razigranosti in nagajivosti.

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