Benetke počasi rastejo že od leta 726, ko so benečani izvolili svojega prvega voditelja. Kar bi nam bilo lahko vzgled je to, da so v 13. stoletju vladajoči morali podpisati pogodbo, da ne bodo finančno obogateli na račun svojega položaja, da nebodo sprejemali daril (podkupnin) in da se bodo posvetovali z Velikim svetom pred pogovorom z ostalimi voditelji. V 14. stoletju so benetke doživele svoj veliki vzpon, h katerem je precej pripomoglo odkritje kompasa in krmila. Kar pa nikjer ne piše, je to, da so bile benetke zgrajene iz kraškega lesa. Kar težko je vrjet, da je bil kras tisti čas
Read MoreI've signed up for a wedding photo workshop. It was quite a challenge and lots of fun. We had two good lecturers (Peter Irman and Žiga Intihar) and professional models (Karin Škufca and (don't remember his name, sorry)). We had to chose 10 best pictures after the workshop and send them to lecturers for evaluation. I don't know how others did, but they told me that my picture is the wining one. (not trying to brag, be happy for me) :) Since there was 11 photographers and we were shooting the same thing, I'll try to show you the pictures that no one else has taken. Bimmer_E30
Read MoreCreative portrait of Boris Peršak as a Tarzan. Bimmer_E30
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