"Hang on there, the help is coming" I bought macro extensions from Hong Kong and as you can see, they work just fine. I had to wait about 14 days and it cost me about 6€. Yes you read it right, well it was actually only 5.70€. They don't have connectors for Auto focus, and I can't change f value on the newest lenses. But that really doesn't bother me, because I am using old manual Carl zeis 50mm f 2,8 lens. (more…)
Read MoreFinally we had a E30 meeting. It was a sunny Saturday with great cars. My car was the only old timer on this ride, but others weren't so far away. You couldn't tell by its looks, could you? For more pictures click below! (more…)
Read MoreBMW je 11.5.10 v Portorožu na Internavtici predstavil nove polhibridne in hiridne modele. Predstavili so polhibridno serijo 5 (5GT), serijo 7 (active hybrid), ter celotni hibrid X6. Za češnjo na vrhu smetane pa nas je čakal še novi Z4 3,5iS. BMW 5 Grand turismo: Medosna razdalja: 3070mm (enako kot serija 7) Dolžina: 4,998m (le 7 cm krajša od serije 7) Višina: 1,555m Prostornina prtljažnega prostora: 1650 litrov Vrata brez okvirjev, tudi zadnja Osemprestavni avtomatski menjalnik Občutki in opažanja: Avto me vizualno ni preveč privlačil, premalo športen in premalo udoben po
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